Wednesday, February 1, 2017



Why did you agree to participate?

I have Cerebral Palsy with Athetosis and Ataxia. When I was born, there was a lack of oxygen to my brain. The doctors told my parents that I would be severely mentally and physically disabled; never to eat alone, dress myself, talk, or walk. Much less ride a horse. But, here we are and I am exceeding their expectations.
Everything is physically more work. Walking exerts much more energy. I am tired from just getting on a horse, much less riding. However, this makes the reward of accomplishing a task much more fulfilling.

How do you feel when you’re with your animal?

Being with Manny is an immense amount of freedom and empowerment; both from riding and working with him. I am in my wheelchair or sitting down, looking up at people for the majority of my day. My legs and balance do not allow me to walk on my own. But yet I can control a 1500 pound animal with the slightest movement. It’s a very cool feeling! He’s my happy place. Everything else doesn’t matter. He sees me for me. He doesn’t see the disability. Even when he first met me, he didn’t freak out over my right arm spasming or the wheelchair. He checked it out then dropped his head. As if saying “this is my job” and “this is where I belong”

What have humans said to you that have been hurtful?

“You can’t do that” “ARE...YOU...TAKING...A...COUPLE...CLASSES?
“Do they have ‘special’ classes at the college for you? “Can she understand me?”

What do you wish you could share with others?

Don’t assume. Just because somebody looks different or has a disability, either physical or mental, don’t assume that we can’t do something.

What have humans said that was helpful and encouraging?
“You can do it!”
“You’re awesome!”

“You’re going to be fine!”
“Just be you!”

What did you learn?

Being part of this project and owning Manny, I’ve learned that it’s okay too be totally 100% you! True friends accept you for you and don’t want to change you. You have be honest with who you are first to be able to find people, or animals, to stick with you.

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