Monday, February 6, 2017


I wanted to participate in this project because I think there is entirely way too much negativity and judgement in this world we live in. In this equine world we live in.  I have been that negative person; that judgemental person.  It's something I work on all the time, because it's easy to be that way, it's the path of least resistance.  Being positive is hard.  This project has shown me how important empowerment and positivity is.

I have learned a few things during this process.....

We have no idea how our words can impact someone.  And they can resonate with someone long after they've been said and the person saying them has long since forgotten.

I didn't realize how emotional it would be for me to be behind the camera capturing these raw feelings and bare truths.  It was honouring and humbling.

I was able to get to know a colleague in photography better.  Marilyn has become a friend, first and foremost, but she has been an amazing inspiration to me.  She riles me up, gets me excited about getting out there and participating, not just in this project, but in the world around me.  She has helped me learn new techniques....taken me right the hell out of my comfort zone.  Sometimes we all need that, y'know?

So, I want to thank each and every one of you for sharing your stories, for baring your souls, for allowing us to see your secrets and letting us capture all of it.  It is truly an honour.

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